Ho ho ho and a Merry Holiday Season to you all!! This is Santa Natalie here reporting to you LIVE from the shipping desk, and do you know what that means? It’s time for my
My little elves and I have been working around. the. clock. to make our SIXTH year in a row bigger and more amazing than ever. I promise, it’s going to blow your socks off. We have GREAT prizes to share, all from brands that I’m so excited to be working with (33 in total!!!) and amounting in total to over $18,000 CAD in value! Eeeeeeeeee!!!
So keep an eye on my blog since that’s where I’ll be posting details about the prizes and how to get your hands on them. We’ve REALLY outdone ourselves this time. Oh, and did I mention that we have not one but two (yes, TWO) bonus days???? That’s FOURTEEN DAYS of giveaways happening on my BRAND NEW SITE. I am SO excited to finally be sharing this with all of you after months and months of planning, plotting, calculating, swatching, and keeping it alllllll under wraps Building a new site has been a huge priority for me so that we have a place to hang out that really feels like home, and you’ve all been such a great support over this past year that I wanted to give you the BIGGEST and WARMEST thank you I possibly could! This is going to be SUCH an amazing year!! I will see you RIGHT HERE from now until December 14th with a new giveaway EACH. DAY.
Welcome to DAY 7 of our 12 days of Giveaways!!! Who wants to be a Greek Natural Beauty? I DO, I DO!! LOL. Today we’re giving away a HUGE gift basket from two of my favourite Greek inspired brands, that’s worth over $1,300!!!
We’re giving away a package from KORRES valued at $760.00 CAD alone!! KORRES is a Greek skincare brand that’s totally focused on using clean, natural ingredients that are native to Greece. It was born in the oldest apothecary in Athens 25 years ago (!!), so it’s the original seed-to-skin beauty brand. Inspired by generations-old traditions, they blend the MOST potent Mediterranean ingredients with cutting-edge technologies for Greek Natural Beauty that you can SEE and FEEL.
The gift basket features tons of Greek yoghurt, black pine and wild rose. For a full list of what’s included please scroll to the bottom of the blog!
There’s something so inspiring about using ages-old recipes and ingredients from the land of the eternally beautiful skin I don’t know about you but I’ve been feeling EXTRA dry this winter, so all the moisture I can GET is exactly what I need. Building a moisturization moment into your daily regime is not only great for your skin, but it’ll help connect your mind to your body AND daily massage truly works wonders for your muscles. Better moisturization = better skin elasticity = anti-aging = what’s not to love??
And the second part of today’s giveaway is from Christina of Red Carpet Ready, who is also my Greek Goddess, valued at $575.00 CAD!!! She is a really good friend of mine, I love her and everything she is doing. I’m so proud of her and what she has accomplished and her new ventures that she just launched! She wants to help make you feel like the beauty that you are and give you her makeup and hair experience for any occasion you have coming up from an upcoming wedding, baby shower or even just a date night that you want to feel special for she has got you covered! And not only that she will teach you the basics that you need to know in her new online beauty series, “The Inspired YOU Collection.”
Everything from shaping your eyebrows, doing a smokey eye, making your eyeshadow stay, preventing fall out, applying lashes and more! So you can get straight to creating your own looks, also included is her 13-piece Signature Brush Set. Plus, her BEAUTIFUL MINDSET crewneck, the colours are inspired by her fave place in the world with her family, Greece and will have you feeling her positive vibes and inspiration every time you put it on!
*Please note this giveaway is only available for those in Canada.
Select an Entry Method (example: “Subscribe to the Newsletter”, “follow Brand on Instagram or Twitter”) and you will see a prompt box (only once) to enter your “name and email just in case you win”.
Your entry will be logged as one entry and you can proceed to the remaining Entry Methods. The more entries you select, the better chance you’ll have at winning that prize!!!
Each giveaway will be considered its own separate giveaway, so make sure you enter and follow all official giveaway guidelines for each one during Natalie’s 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways.
All of our giveaways run for the entire duration of the 12 Days plus an EXTRA TWO BONUS days on the 13th AND 14th. Winners will be announced on Friday, December 17th, 2021.
Having any troubles or questions, use the Bug report link and ask the Rewards Fuel tech people for support.
Browser and Device Cookies must be enabled to see Entry Confirmation. If not, trust the notifications that say “you’ve been entered” or “you’re already entered”
We will contact all winners via the e-mail you give at sign up.
And NOW we’re halfway through our 12 Days of Giveaways (+2, LOL). So far we’ve focused a lot on health, relaxation, and feeling cozy and warm from the inside out.. Plus a little bit of those shiny finer things (#Day2 ). The next 7 will be a bit more glam-inspired, so stay tuned!!! I can’t wait to see you back here tomorrow for more winter radiance… it’ll be like you’re just coming back from Greece
I love the Wild Rose Vit C from Korres! It’s such a great line.